
Business Domain International Logo

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Google+ for Business (Get this ebook on HubSpot)

If you need to improve your knowledge about the possibilities Google+ offer for Business, read the ebook published by HubSpot.
You can get the ebook totally free at http://blog.hubspot.com
In the meanwhile do not forget to share the page with your social neworks pages.

Banner Domains International

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

History of Luanda (Angola)

Capital City: Luanda Founded on: January 25, 1576. Total Surface Area: 2417.78 sq Km Population: 4.5 million inhabitants Municipalities: Cazenga, Ingombota, Kilamba Kiaxi, Maianga, Rangel, Samba, Sambizanga, Cacuaco and Viana. Provincial Governor: Francisca do EspĂ­rito Santo Phone Prefix No. : + 244 22. Cell Phone Networks: GSM (923 ou 924) and CDMA (912) The province of Luanda, capital city of the Angolan Republic, is limited to the North, East and South by the Province of Bengo; and to the West by the Atlantic Ocean. The climate is a kind of dry tropical, with two well-defined seasons: the rainy season is from January to June, and the dry season is from July to September.


Read the entire article and see the YouTube video at http://www.angolaindustry.com

This domain is also for sale. If you are interested (when you click above) go to the top right of the page and click "Buy now....". Negotiation is direct with us, no intermediates.

15% off on Beijing Activity

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Mistakes in advertising that we always do

Article written by Carlos Martins (Owner and Manager of Domains International)

Every time we deal with advertising one the big mistakes we made (whether individuals or companies), is to advertise our products or services ONLY in social groups that pertain to our business or business category. For many of us, the road is simpler and faster, we need not perform this advertising effort in groups that are not related to our activity. This implies less audience and therefore fewer customers.

We do not need to give an example only. This happens in all social groups, with almost all members who belong to these groups.
Taking an example with a certain group: is there any member who is responsible or owning an e-commerce or business web site such as clothing or cosmetics that joined a social group created and managed by artists or designers or whatever? And the question immediately arises: why advertise if these groups are intended for artists or designers?

The answer however is simple: groups being generally open to the public, why not advertise a clothing or cosmetics site into a group of artists or designers? Any of these groups didn´t spend money with clothes or cosmetics? Would not be interested in knowing that there is a clothing or cosmetics web site that is offering them something special (a discount coupon for example), only for members of that group?

However social networks did not ONLY exist for the formation of groups of professional or business and therefore the groups should not be watertight. Instead they should issue their posts in other groups particularly when it comes to advertising their products or services.

The same happens or must happen with blogs. Why to advertise only on blogs with the same business or interests?

Thanks and best regards
Carlos Martins
Owner and Manager of
Domains  International
Web site:
Advertising WebPage: http://www.domainsinternational.net/advertising.html
Main Blog: http://domainsinternational.blogspot.pt

Blogs by category of Business:

If you want to advertise and have a low budget, click on the banner below:
Banner Domains International

Monday, August 20, 2012

Optimized Content Marketing Strategy...

The Power of 3: Content Marketing + SEO + Social Media Optimized Content Marketing Strategy How-To Guide

The sum of these three marketing tactics is Optimized Content Marketing. When deliberately executed together within an optimized content marketing campaign, the results are:


The entire article is at http://www.gshiftlabs.com

Visit the web site above and get the How-to-Guide ebook entirely for free!

LawGuru Answers

Are you holding back your own business? 4 tricks to overcome the fear

Fear is the enemy of success. Large rewards only result from taking comparably large risks. If you're ruled by fear, you'll never take enough risks and never achieve success you deserve. Here's is how you can make your brain to be more courageous. It’s the actions that scare you most at the time that you are doing them: leaving a cushy corporate job to freelance, asking your now beautiful wife for that first date, and then taking that leap to ‘start a family’.


Read the entire article at http://www.bmmagazine.co.uk

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Advertising business - How to attract customers

Advertise here
Article written by Carlos Martins (Manager of Domains International)


Advertising on the Web is not only essential as is a formulas or essential tools in achieving a key objective of any web site or blog - the increase in visitors and increase the possibility of an increase in customers.

Doing business on the Web is therefore as important as the day to day in real life. And the publicity of your business goes through interaction with other agents of economic activity and of course the interaction with web users and also social networks. Placing ads on various web sites is therefore essential for any business wishing to thrive. Today we can say without running the risk of pretentiousness that many small to medium businesses that manage more than the net gains in your store or company.


Read the entire article and check our prices and what we are offering only for medium and small businesses at http://www.domainternational.net/advertising.html

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Who to Follow on Twitter...

 Most new users who sign up for a Twitter account will ask questions about hashtags, @ signs and whom to follow. These questions are all valid and one can only progress in the Twitter world when in sync with the system. Following people is the first step towards being an active member on this particular platform.

Read the entire article at domainsinternational.blogspot.com

The article was provided by Steve at buyfollowerstwitter.co.uk, a marketing agency who aims to help you grow Twitter Followers UK

Need Hits

Sunday, August 12, 2012

11 Business Lessons from Bruce Wayne (Batman)

Lesson #1 – Don’t let past circumstances dictate your future It’s hard to think of a worse start in life than to experience the horrifying death of your parents in the way that Bruce Wayne did. But while he would have been entirely justified in sitting on his laurels the rest of his life – complaining what a bad deck of cards he’d been dealt – Bruce Wayne transformed his sorrow into a commitment to making Gotham City a better place for future generations.


Read more at 11-business-lessons-from-bruce-wayne

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Mentoring in the business world (excerpt)

News on Daily News

Ambition and talent, along with access to capital and mentoring, can take the young pretty far. The entrepreneurial fecundity of an ecosystem has direct impact on its economic prospects. Entrepreneurial quotient in turn is fuelled by ideas and innovations. These seem to be the life blood of any thriving economy. The turbulent times we are living in demand daring ideas along with creativity and innovation which can be keys to a world of infinite opportunities.


Friday, August 10, 2012

Angola Investments

If you are interesting to invest in Angola and/or you want to know something more about this emergent economy (it is now the first oil producer in Africa and the first to export to China), visit this site. If you want to create your web site with the name AngolaInvestments.com please email us to domainshouse@gmail.com. We promise to be opened to your offer (serious, please).

Read articles, videos, twitter, movie trailers and other features at www.angolainvestments.com

The Place to Talk, Buy and Sell Domains!

A new blog is born

We created a new blog this time related with Business and Finance domains. As we own a portfolio of more than an hundred of domains and some are related with Business and Finance domains, we decided to subdivide the blogs into different categories like these two. This blog will manage our domains into these categories (Business and Finance domains) but it is a blog opened to other contributions as other domainers or even other business areas that need to post and promote their services or products. Let me tell you that the blog is also opened to advertising in these two categories. If you need to place your banner or text links, please ask us for the price.